Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great was born July 21st 356 before J-C to Pella, died June 11th 323 before J-C in Babylon, and Alexander the Great is king of Macedonia and one of the most famous characters of the Antiquity.
Alexander the Great was a very good soldier before becoming twenty-year-old a king when his father Philippe died.
Alexander the Great had a very important religious role.
Alexander the Great seduced many women:
Such as :
.Callixène : A prostitute
.Pancaste : The common law wife of a big painter
.Barsine : A Persian princess of Darius's yard
His clothing style: Alexandre adopts the clothes of Big King of the empire achéménide. He invented an equipment which he considers capable of reuniting him his oriental subjects, but who makes the Greeks laugh and the Macedonians, there wears red hat or all around is one wide edges, the kausia, he knots the blue turban lined from white whom we name in Persia the kidaris.
Soldiers of the army of Alexandre
In the term of the expedition of Alexandre, they were the exception those who had been able to travel 18 000 km, and still they moved forward most of the time on horseback. So that a foot soldier enlisted in 18 or 20 years pût to be declared 10-year-old veteran later, and appropriate to base a colony or a counter, as he must be deformed and aged before the age!
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