

Alexander the Great

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Alexander the Great was born July 21st 356 before J-C to Pella, died June 11th 323 before J-C in Babylon, and Alexander the Great is king of Macedonia and one of the most famous characters of the Antiquity.

Alexander the Great was a very good soldier before becoming twenty-year-old a king when his father Philippe died.

Alexander the Great had a very important religious role.


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Alexander the Great seduced many women:

Such as :

.Callixène : A prostitute

.Pancaste : The common law wife of a big painter

.Barsine : A Persian princess of Darius's yard


His clothing style: Alexandre adopts the clothes of Big King of the empire achéménide. He invented an equipment which he considers capable of reuniting him his oriental subjects, but who makes the Greeks laugh and the Macedonians, there wears red hat or all around is one wide edges, the kausia, he knots the blue turban lined from white whom we name in Persia the kidaris.



Soldiers of the army of Alexandre




In the term of the expedition of Alexandre, they were the exception those who had been able to travel 18 000 km, and still they moved forward most of the time on horseback. So that a foot soldier enlisted in 18 or 20 years pût to be declared 10-year-old veteran later, and appropriate to base a colony or a counter, as he must be deformed and aged before the age!

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The Olympic games

The Olympic games

The first Olympic Games were created in Olympia but their origines are not very known. They took place during 12 centuries before Theodose 1st forbid them.

The Olympia's games take place every four years so the time is not counted in year but in olympiad (which is equal at four years). The Olympia's games are originally of the Panhellenic games which coat the Olympia's game which take place every four years,

The Delphi's games which take place every third year of the olympiad, the Corinth's isthmus's games and the Nemea's games which take place every two years.

If womens were expelled of the Panhellenic games, they could do the Hera's games (who is the Zeus's wife) every four years. They represent the victory like a women with wings named Niké (means victory in greek), she brought the crown to the winner.









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Scholars of Greece

Hérodote was born in Asia minor, he was traveller and observant. During his life, Hérodote did a lot of travels : in Egypt, in Babylonie, on the banks of the Black Sea and in Athens. He gathered information on their story, their customs, their government and their religion.
Hérodote wrote war narratives between the Greeks and the Persian Empire thanks to his numerous journeys. He visited many méditerrannéens countries.

Most of the knowledge of Hérodote were acquired thanks to direct witnesses and orals. By travelling, Hérodote discovered numerous written testimonies which have him building permit his knowledge. He confronted his sources between them to reconstitute what it really passed like a investigator.

Hérodote is very known in France. For example, a review dedicated to the geopolitics (science which studies reports between the geography of States and their politics) and to the geography bears its name as well as an on-line encyclopedia on the World history. Hérodote does not make any more only narratives of history but he looks for the causes of the events to understand better the present. So Hérodote the father of the history.

Thucydide, been born towards 460 before J-C, is a historian and an Athenian politician stemming from a noble family. He studied the Greek philosophy and the public speaking.

Thucydide lived the war but he is the first one to want to stop war narratives and historical records to try to tell cequi really passed. So, it is considered as lepremier historian.

Hérodote and Thucydide was Athenian historians having lived in 5th century before Christ. Furthermore, they were both of big travelers. They belong to a famille influente. 
However, Hérodote is a Greek of Asia while Thucydide is a Greek of Europe.





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The olympic games in Athena (1896-2004)

On this picture we can see a seat that contains a folder . We see around this seat to many dirty and destroyed seats.


This picture is a representation of a stage canoeing But There is no water and made you can not host more than competition. Can see the grass that grows in mass and Who Is unfortunately well maintained.

Here you can see an Olympic pool with very little green water and dirty at the bottom.A broken seat even came to stay at the bottom of the water and as the pool is not busy it does not bother anyone .


Finally, we see the windows and the sun from the outside. We also see procpectus or there are 5 Olympic rings erased with the name in Greek Olympic Games in Athens , and blue design.
They are torn to the ground. No one comes to clean the premises that seem abandoned.



Unfortunately, after the Olympic games greece underwent a financial crisis that impoverished them.
Today they are no longer able to maintain these places since the end of the last Olympic Games, which took place just 10 years earlier ..

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The cultural heritage of ancient Greece

1 / The man and his work Q1 :What Homer is known comes from his legend, that of a character in the staged Odyssé. He is known for his songs, he uses a self-called epic. It represents us blind Homer, this is the first physical character that is used. This assumption comes from his name because its etymology is "hó mé Horon" which means "not seen".

2 / The movie Troy, American film directed by Wolfgang Petersen. In this film the capture of Troy by the Greek is the main element. Wolfang depicts the siege of Troy, drawing mainly from the work of Homer, the Iliad.  

The series Odyssé was released in 1968 in 8 episodes. She tells the famous adventures of Ulysses, which took nearly 20 years to return to its native land The way back is strewn with obstacles, it is the above that the director insists, inspired directly by the work Homer. The entire series was directed by Franco Rossi.

3/Ulysses 31 is a television animation series in 26 episodes. Jean Chalopin Walmark and Nina are the creators. The story is set in the 31st century, Odysseus wanders in the cosmos of Olympus in search of the way to get on the ground. But a test result will prevent it fromreaching its destination because it killed at Cylope, which has generated anger of the Gods of Olympus. This is a series of science fiction largely inspired by Homer Odyssé.

4 / Homer's work, a classic in French schools In college, especially in 6th studying the Iliad and Odyssé, that these songs tell who are the gods and heroes. However there is little talk of Homer, it is hardly mentioned.



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