The olympic games in Athena (1896-2004)
On this picture we can see a seat that contains a folder . We see around this seat to many dirty and destroyed seats.
This picture is a representation of a stage canoeing But There is no water and made you can not host more than competition. Can see the grass that grows in mass and Who Is unfortunately well maintained.
Here you can see an Olympic pool with very little green water and dirty at the bottom.A broken seat even came to stay at the bottom of the water and as the pool is not busy it does not bother anyone .
Finally, we see the windows and the sun from the outside. We also see procpectus or there are 5 Olympic rings erased with the name in Greek Olympic Games in Athens , and blue design. They are torn to the ground. No one comes to clean the premises that seem abandoned.
Unfortunately, after the Olympic games greece underwent a financial crisis that impoverished them. Today they are no longer able to maintain these places since the end of the last Olympic Games, which took place just 10 years earlier ..