Scholars of Greece
Hérodote was born in Asia minor, he was traveller and observant. During his life, Hérodote did a lot of travels : in Egypt, in Babylonie, on the banks of the Black Sea and in Athens. He gathered information on their story, their customs, their government and their religion.
Hérodote wrote war narratives between the Greeks and the Persian Empire thanks to his numerous journeys. He visited many méditerrannéens countries.
Most of the knowledge of Hérodote were acquired thanks to direct witnesses and orals. By travelling, Hérodote discovered numerous written testimonies which have him building permit his knowledge. He confronted his sources between them to reconstitute what it really passed like a investigator.
Hérodote is very known in France. For example, a review dedicated to the geopolitics (science which studies reports between the geography of States and their politics) and to the geography bears its name as well as an on-line encyclopedia on the World history. Hérodote does not make any more only narratives of history but he looks for the causes of the events to understand better the present. So Hérodote the father of the history.
Thucydide, been born towards 460 before J-C, is a historian and an Athenian politician stemming from a noble family. He studied the Greek philosophy and the public speaking.
Thucydide lived the war but he is the first one to want to stop war narratives and historical records to try to tell cequi really passed. So, it is considered as lepremier historian.
Hérodote and Thucydide was Athenian historians having lived in 5th century before Christ. Furthermore, they were both of big travelers. They belong to a famille influente.
However, Hérodote is a Greek of Asia while Thucydide is a Greek of Europe.